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Since this portion of the documentary project is about researching the roots of the arts and music in University City, we want to report to followers some of the facts that we find.  We also want to tell some of the great stories that we pick up when we are out in the field getting interviews. Here we will have articles, pictures, videos, and recodings that show you some of our work ahead of whatever the eventual movie that this section of the project will produce.  Read, look, watch, and enjoy!

Entries in photos (1)


Still Picture & Video Clip Presentation & Showing - Friday, September 21, 2012 - UCPL

I'm excited to announce the first step into the 2nd phase of presenting material collected during this documentary project. Coming up at the University City Public Library from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on Friday, September 21st I will be leading a showing of still images and never-before-seen footage that I've collected for the first part of the "Sounding The Chord" section of this effort. The UCPL has been kind enough to open up the Dorothy Ulrici Auditorium for the evening so that anyone that would like to see selections from the more than year and a half worth of photos and video that I've shot in 15 US states/territories and 37 cities.

I'll also try to address some of the most frequently asked questions about the project, give some history about how things got started, give a preview of all of the outputs that I hope to have coming up, and do some Q&A about the project from members of the audience.


But since this whole project is about art and music, I'll try to spare everyone from having to hear me talk for 2 hours and have some musicians play and possibly some of the other artists that I've gotten on camera come by to present as well.

In addition to the 2 hour presentation, the library has also been generous enough to offer some wall and display space around the entire building. In those carved out spaces will hang some of the still pictures of the more than 90 U. Citians that have been in front of the projects cameras with some explanation of who they are and where the shots were taken.

Overall, this is going to be the first of many times that I hope to start to show some of the work done so far that isn't distributed virtually so that all of the non-net-going public can get a glimpse at all of the musical talent that exists in the U. City diaspora. Again, I'm very, very glad to show the hometown folks some of what I've found in person and can't wait to do so. I encourage all of you that can to come by the library, spread the word about this showing, and let me know if you have any questions. Also stay tuned to this space for all updates and join our mailing list for updates on other areas surrounding The University City Musician Documentary Project.