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In the month of May in 2014, we had a record setting number of encounters for a one month period with participants in the project. In the general St. Louis area we met, talked to, and photographed 20 different people who lived in U. City for at least 1 year, went to the public schools for at least 1 year, and went on to be paid professional musicians for at least 1 year! We met these folks in spaces as divers as bars (alcohol and hookah), churches (Baptist, Catholic, and Presbyterian), coffee shops, parks, clubs, restaurants, rooftops, and music stores. This is a great snapshot in time of how much influence the "Kids of U. City" still have an influence over the soundtrack of the entire St. Louis area even over the range of high school graduation dates from 1960 to 2013. We were very happy to meet up with these participants and to watch and listen to them put their talents to work. Thanks again to: Al Ox, Ambra Robinson, Ben Stein, Beverly Moore, Butch Lloyd, Bwayne Smotherson, Christopher Watkins, Craig Florez, Danny duMaine, Harriet Harris, Jason Coleman, Jeff Anderson, Jenn (Courtney) Clodi, Jody Carter, Johnathan Ruder, Nate Smotherson, Patrick Harting, Phillip Sykes, Ron Buhlinger, and Rosalind Boyd-Moore.