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I played in bands while majoring in music ed at U of Kansas, then off and on in community orchestras for a few years after that. Went back to music 1990-1999 singing in the Colorado Symphony Orchestra Chorus here in Denver. We were treated as professionals but not paid.Sadly, I had to quit the chorus when my legs started screaming louder than I could sing. Our parents made sure music was always a huge part of our lives, beginning with piano lessons in 2nd grade, then clarinet in 4th grade at McKnight School with Mrs. Leek. My sisters play viola (Nancy '75) and cello (Jane '77). Nancy plays professionally with the Anchorage (AK) Symphony, and Jane plays with an orchestra of military medical professionals in Europe while she's deployed to Germany.
Many people play some sort of musical instrument or sing while they are in primary and secondary school, but that doesn't mean that they continue it at any level once they have left. If you played an instrument or sang in your early education days, let us know if you ever continued for fun or professionally after school and why you did so.