#2 Discussing Sounding The Chord On St. Louis Public Radio
This 2nd podcast is a posting of an interview that director Rod Milam gave on the Cityscape program on St. Louis Public Radio, 90.7 KWMU (the big NPR affiliate station in town). The interview took place on Friday, September 23, 2011 when Rod was back in the St. Louis area to work on interviews with subjects for the project.
Also being interviewed by program host Steve Potter were Mike and Rob Silverman (both U. City High graduates) who created the University City Jazz Festival. The very first U. City Jazz Festival was being held the next day in Heman Park. It was a great success with more than 2000 people enjoying the great music and perfect weather.
During Rod's time back in St. Louis on this trip he conducted 3 interviews on camera with 4 different subjects (Wiley Price, Gloria Attoun, Michael Bauermeister, and Sandy Weltman) and got a total of 22 different U. City musicians and educators on camera for the project that he didn't have before. The trip was highly successful (while tiring).